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LB_TABLE #644087072
LB_MOVE #138
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Previously on viticulture #644087072 ... ([Skip last moves replay])


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Show values for vp and lira icons
Enables Winter Pass Action

Game options

Game mode
Game speed
Friendly Variant
Mama & Papa Choice
This game has been updated since game start: thus the replay is EXPERIMENTAL.
Warning, this is the last year! Players with 20 or more: bess_83 25
Year: 8 Season: Winter
Give tour to gain (2)
ساخت یک سازه
حداقل یک انگور بفروشید یا یک مزرعه را بخرید/بفروشید
یک مزرعه را برداشت کنید
Pay (4) to train one
ساختن دو مشروب
Gain (1)
for this year
Choose wake-up positions
Worker Placement
2 نفره
3-4 نقره
5-6 نفره
کشیدن 1 کارت بازدید کننده
Worker Placement
2 نفره
3-4 نقره
5-6 نفره
Year End
Age grape and wine tokens
Retrieve workers
Collect residual payments
Discard down to 7 cards
Rotate first player
Wine CriticDraw 2 OR discard 1 of value 7 or more to gain (4)
PromoterDiscard a or to gain (1) and (1).
تاریخچهٔ کارت‌های بازی‌شده (34)

bess_83 8 3 0 دنیل کوزی 0/6: Passed

کابرنه ساونیون
(2) Trellis (5) Windmill
when you plant a vine gain (1) (max 1 VP/year)
(3) Irrigation (2) Yoke
uproot 1 vine or harvest 1 field
(6) Tasting Room
when you give a vineyard tour, if you have at least 1 in your cellar, gain (1)(max 1 VP/year)
Medium Cellar
Large Cellar
(4) Cottage
draw or each fall
(5) زمین
(max vine value:5)
(6) زمین
(max vine value:6)
(7) زمین
(max vine value:7)
Sale prices
Crush Pad
انبار کوچک
فرمول شراب گلی و گازدار
کارگرهای موجود
You can select Grande worker before selecting location placement
دروگرHarvest up to 3 fields. If you harvest 3 fields, gain (2).
کارت‌ها در حالت تماشا قابل رویت نیستند

SamJafo 9 3 0 الیسا جری 0/4: Passed

(2) Trellis (5) Windmill
when you plant a vine gain (1) (max 1 VP/year)
(3) Irrigation (2) Yoke
uproot 1 vine or harvest 1 field
(6) Tasting Room
when you give a vineyard tour, if you have at least 1 in your cellar, gain (1)(max 1 VP/year)
Medium Cellar
Large Cellar
(4) Cottage
draw or each fall
(5) زمین
(max vine value:5)
(6) زمین
(max vine value:6)
(7) زمین
(max vine value:7)
Sale prices
Crush Pad
انبار کوچک
فرمول شراب گلی و گازدار
کارگرهای موجود
You can select Grande worker before selecting location placement
کارت‌ها در حالت تماشا قابل رویت نیستند



0 -548298307 eur Visitor-548


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Show values for vp and lira icons
Enables Winter Pass Action

Game options

Game mode
Game speed
Friendly Variant
Mama & Papa Choice

Note: 3D is experimental

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8 3 0 0/6: Passed
Show cursor
9 3 0 0/4: Passed
بینندگان: Visitor-548298307
پایان بازی: bess_83 برنده شد !
All players' grapes and wine age. All residual payments are paid
bess_83 gets 3 from residual payments and now has 8
SamJafo gets 3 from residual payments and now has 9
bess_83 has no more workers so they have to pass
bess_83 harvests field 1
bess_83 makes شراب قرمز
10:46 AM
SamJafo passes
SamJafo gets (1)
SamJafo gets (1)
SamJafo gets (1)
10:45 AM
bess_83 را دیسکارد کرد و در ازای آن (1) و (1) دریافت کرد
bess_83 plays winter visitor card Promoter
10:40 AM
SamJafo fills an order and gets (4) and 1 . Wines used:
10:39 AM
شروع فصل زمستان
bess_83 draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
bess_83 draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
10:38 AM
SamJafo draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
SamJafo draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
10:32 AM
شروع فصل Fall
bess_83 passes
bess_83 gets (2)
10:30 AM
bess_83 harvests field 2
10:29 AM
bess_83 discards and gets (4)
bess_83 plays summer visitor card Wine Critic
10:28 AM
SamJafo passes
10:27 AM
شروع فصل تابستان
bess_83 هنگام انتخاب نوبت، جایگاه ششم را انتخاب کرد و یک امتیاز (1) دریافت کرد
10:22 AM
SamJafo ترتیب بیدار شدن را انتخاب میکند 1
10:17 AM
شروع سال 8
All players' grapes and wine age. All residual payments are paid
SamJafo gets 2 from residual payments and now has 3
bess_83 gets 2 from residual payments and now has 3
SamJafo has no more workers so they have to pass
bess_83 has no more workers so they have to pass
SamJafo fills an order and gets (4) and 1 . Wines used:
10:16 AM
bess_83 pays (2) and gets (2)
bess_83 plays winter visitor card اشراف‌زاده
10:14 AM
SamJafo makes شراب قرمز
SamJafo makes White Wine
10:13 AM
bess_83 discards 2 and gets (2)
bess_83 2 عدد کارت را دیسکارد کرد
bess_83 plays winter visitor card خیّر
10:12 AM
شروع فصل زمستان
SamJafo draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
SamJafo draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
10:11 AM
bess_83 draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
bess_83 draws 1 summer visitor card(s)
10:10 AM
شروع فصل Fall
bess_83 passes
SamJafo passes
10:09 AM
bess_83 pays (6) and builds Large Cellar
10:08 AM
SamJafo harvests field 3
10:04 AM
bess_83 2 انگور را در ازای 3 فروخت
10:02 AM
SamJafo gets (1)
SamJafo pays (4) and builds Large Cellar
SamJafo plays summer visitor card آهنگر
10:00 AM
bess_83 harvests field 2
09:59 AM
SamJafo gets (2)
09:50 AM
bess_83 gets (2)
bess_83 gets a vp from windmill effect
bess_83 plants Sangiovese in field 1
bess_83 plays summer visitor card کارشناس کشاورزی
3/19/2025 07:07 AM
شروع فصل تابستان
SamJafo هنگام انتخاب نوبت، جایگاه هفتم را انتخاب کرد و برای این دور یک کارگر موقت فصلی دریافت کرد
08:01 PM
bess_83 ترتیب بیدار شدن 3 را انتخاب میکند و یک کارت شراب میگیرد
07:20 PM
شروع سال 7
SamJafo 2 عدد کارت را دیسکارد کرد
10:26 AM
All players' grapes and wine age. All residual payments are paid
bess_83 gets 4 from residual payments and now has 4
SamJafo gets 1 from residual payments and now has 3
bess_83 has no more workers so they have to pass
SamJafo has no more workers so they have to pass
bess_83 discards and gets (3)
bess_83 plays winter visitor card قاضی
3/18/2025 06:13 AM
SamJafo draws 1 wine order card(s)
09:34 PM
bess_83 fills an order and gets (5) and 2 . Wines used:
07:42 PM
SamJafo draws 1 summer visitor card(s)
03:10 PM
bess_83 makes شراب قرمز
bess_83 makes شراب قرمز
12:23 PM
SamJafo makes شراب قرمز
SamJafo makes White Wine
SamJafo plays winter visitor card مربی
11:24 AM
bess_83 makes White Wine
11:12 AM
bess_83 makes شراب گلی
11:11 AM
SamJafo harvests field 1
10:51 AM
bess_83 upgrades cellar at (2) discount
bess_83 pays (2) and builds Medium Cellar
bess_83 plays winter visitor card Master Vintner
02:17 AM
شروع فصل زمستان
SamJafo draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
SamJafo draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
12:38 AM
bess_83 draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
bess_83 draws 1 summer visitor card(s)
12:35 AM
شروع فصل Fall
SamJafo passes
12:33 AM
bess_83 passes
3/17/2025 12:23 AM
SamJafo harvests field 3
11:36 PM
bess_83 harvests field 2
07:36 PM
SamJafo pays (2) and builds Yoke
11:17 AM
bess_83 gets a vp from windmill effect
bess_83 plants Syrah in field 1
11:16 AM
شروع فصل تابستان
bess_83 ترتیب بیدار شدن 2 را انتخاب میکند و یک کارت شراب سفید میگیرد
11:15 AM
SamJafo هنگام انتخاب نوبت، جایگاه هفتم را انتخاب کرد و برای این دور یک کارگر موقت فصلی دریافت کرد
شروع سال 6
All players' grapes and wine age. All residual payments are paid
SamJafo gets 1 from residual payments and now has 4
bess_83 gets 2 from residual payments and now has 2
SamJafo has no more workers so they have to pass
SamJafo fills an order and gets (3) and 1 . Wines used:
10:54 AM
SamJafo makes شراب قرمز
SamJafo makes شراب گلی
SamJafo plays winter visitor card Zymologist
10:53 AM
SamJafo harvests field 3
10:52 AM
SamJafo harvests field 1
10:50 AM
bess_83 has no more workers so they have to pass
شروع فصل زمستان
SamJafo draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
SamJafo draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
10:48 AM
bess_83 draws 1 winter visitor card(s)
bess_83 draws 1 summer visitor card(s)
شروع فصل Fall
bess_83 has no more workers so they have to pass
bess_83 discards and gets (2)
bess_83 plays summer visitor card مذاکره‌کننده
10:44 AM
bess_83 harvests field 2
10:43 AM
bess_83 gets a vp from windmill effect
bess_83 plants Pinot in field 1
10:42 AM
bess_83 خریدن زمین 1 برای 5
10:41 AM
SamJafo passes
3/16/2025 10:21 AM
bess_83 gets (2)
3/15/2025 10:28 PM
آیا می‌دانستید؟
آیا یک اشکال یافتید؟ لطفا آن را به سیستم گزارش مشکلات BGA، از جمله شرح و در صورت امکان یک عکس بفرستید. متشکرم.