جادوی کهن and 1044 other games را آنلاین بازی کنید.
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📢 Here we are ! The Perlae Imperii 🦪 is available *NOW* as an alpha(α) option. You can only play in friendly mode for the moment. For this special occasion, this group icon has been updated to show the new kind of resources : pearl ⚪. They grant you additional victory points, but you can also use them to get some of the most powerfull artifacts : choosing is giving up 🪙. Have fun, enjoy, and I hope there won't be too many bugs, even if I fear we left some. You can report them here: https://boardgamearena.com/bugs?game=1309 ... Have you noticed that we are in sync with "Res Arcana Duo" release. It should be available in stores in the coming days? 😉
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