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LB_TABLE #645408919
LB_MOVE #100
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Goals and Secret Missions

Expedition details



0 -801531346 eur Visitor-801


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بینندگان: Visitor-801531346
The rocket will start from position 0
JonasJuul choose
for the expedition
Pythagosaurus choose
for the expedition
07:21 PM
New expedition starts under commandement of Pythagosaurus
Expedition ended successfully on 20
JonasJuul disembarked on P3
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 20
Commander JonasJuul rolled
Pythagosaurus disembarked on P3
JonasJuul passed
07:20 PM
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 19
Commander JonasJuul rolled
Pythagosaurus passed
JonasJuul passed
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 13
Commander JonasJuul rolled
Pythagosaurus passed
JonasJuul passed
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 11
Commander JonasJuul rolled
07:19 PM
Pythagosaurus passed
JonasJuul passed
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 8
Commander JonasJuul rolled
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 4
Commander JonasJuul rolled
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 2
Commander JonasJuul rolled
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 1
Commander JonasJuul rolled
07:18 PM
The rocket will start from position 0
Pythagosaurus choose
for the expedition
JonasJuul choose
for the expedition
07:17 PM
New expedition starts under commandement of JonasJuul
Expedition ended with a crash on 21
JonasJuul disembarked on M7 and scored 3
The rocket is about to crash, but some astronauts still can escape!
Commander JonasJuul rolled
JonasJuul passed
07:15 PM
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 21
Commander JonasJuul rolled
JonasJuul passed
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 17
Commander JonasJuul rolled
JonasJuul passed
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 15
07:14 PM
Commander JonasJuul rolled
JonasJuul passed
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 13
Commander JonasJuul rolled
JonasJuul passed
07:13 PM
Commander disembarked, new commander for the rest of the expedition is JonasJuul
Pythagosaurus disembarked on P1
Commander Pythagosaurus used
for the travel to 11
Commander Pythagosaurus rolled
JonasJuul passed
Pythagosaurus passed
Commander Pythagosaurus used
for the travel to 8
Commander Pythagosaurus rolled
Commander Pythagosaurus used
for the travel to 4
07:12 PM
Commander Pythagosaurus rolled
Commander Pythagosaurus used
for the travel to 2
Commander Pythagosaurus rolled
Commander Pythagosaurus used
for the travel to 1
Commander Pythagosaurus rolled
The rocket will start from position 0
JonasJuul choose
for the expedition
Pythagosaurus choose
for the expedition
07:11 PM
New expedition starts under commandement of Pythagosaurus
Expedition ended successfully on 23
JonasJuul disembarked on P4
07:09 PM
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 23
Commander JonasJuul rolled
JonasJuul passed
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 17
Commander JonasJuul rolled
Pythagosaurus disembarked on P2
07:08 PM
JonasJuul passed
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 16
Commander JonasJuul rolled
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 4
Commander JonasJuul rolled
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 2
07:07 PM
Commander JonasJuul rolled
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 1
Commander JonasJuul rolled
The rocket will start from position 0
Pythagosaurus choose
for the expedition
07:06 PM
JonasJuul choose
for the expedition
New expedition starts under commandement of JonasJuul
Expedition ended with a crash on 11
Commander JonasJuul rolled
JonasJuul passed
07:05 PM
Commander JonasJuul used
for the travel to 11
Commander JonasJuul rolled
JonasJuul passed
Commander disembarked, new commander for the rest of the expedition is JonasJuul
Pythagosaurus disembarked on M1 and scored 4
07:04 PM
Commander Pythagosaurus used
for the travel to 9
Commander Pythagosaurus rolled
JonasJuul passed
Pythagosaurus passed
Commander Pythagosaurus used
for the travel to 7
Commander Pythagosaurus rolled
Commander Pythagosaurus used
for the travel to 5
07:03 PM
Commander Pythagosaurus rolled
Commander Pythagosaurus used
for the travel to 4
Commander Pythagosaurus rolled
Commander Pythagosaurus used
for the travel to 2
Commander Pythagosaurus rolled
07:02 PM
The rocket will start from position 0
JonasJuul choose
for the expedition
07:01 PM
Pythagosaurus choose
for the expedition
New expedition starts under commandement of Pythagosaurus
JonasJuul discarded one secret mission
06:59 PM
Pythagosaurus discarded one secret mission
06:58 PM
رنگ Pythagosaurus بر اساس ترجیحات آنها انتخاب شده است. تنظیمات مرا تغییر بده.
3/17/2025 06:57 PM
آیا می‌دانستید؟
اگر برخی از بازیکنان بازی نمی کنند، فقط منتظر بمانید تا زمانی که زمان فکر کردنشان تمام شود تا آنها را از بازی اخراج کنید.