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ke1th0 average All players average Winners average
Reflexion time
Time bonus number
Reflexion time standard deviation
VP Total
VP from Tableau Cards
Nb Tableau Cards
VP from Event Cards
Nb Event Cards
VP from Compost
Nb Compost Cards
VP from Sprouts
Nb Sprouts
VP from Growth and Canopies
Nb Growth and Canopies
Nb Canopies
VP from Terrain Cards
Nb Terrain Cards
VP from Player Ecosystem Card
VP from First Ecosystem Card
VP from Second Ecosystem Card
VP Total for Ecosystem Cards
VP from Fauna Cards
VP from Tableau Bonus
VP Total for Fauna Board
Nb Cards in Hand at game end
Nb Soil in reserve at game end
Nb times choose Plant action
Nb times choose Compost action
Nb times choose Water action
Nb times choose Grow action
Nb Cards drawn in total
Nb Cards composted in total
Nb Soil gained in total
Nb Cards discarded (paid) from compost
Nb Sprouts placed in total
Nb Sprouts discarded (paid) in total
Nb Sprouts converted in total
Nb Growth placed in total
Nb Growth discarded (paid) in total
Nb Seeds gained in total (Abundance)
Nb Leafs converted to Seeds in total (Abundance)
Nb Germinate action in total (Abundance)
Nb Sprouts placed on board by the player (Abundance)
Nb Sprouts placed on board by the other players (Abundance)
Nb Sprouts placed in Tableau from the board (Abundance)
Solo: Gaia VP Total
Solo: Gaia VP from Earth Cards
Solo: Gaia Nb Earth Cards
Solo: Gaia VP from Compost
Solo: Gaia Nb Compost
Solo: Gaia VP from Sprouts
Solo: Gaia Nb Sprouts
Solo: Gaia VP from Growth
Solo: Gaia Nb Growth and Canopies
Solo: Gaia Nb Canopies
Solo: Gaia VP from Fauna Cards
Solo: Gaia VP from Tableau Bonus
Solo: Gaia VP Total for Fauna Board
Solo: Gaia Nb Soil in reserve at game end
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