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Table configuration

Game mode
Arena mode
Game speed
Turn-based • 1 move per day
Season Campaign (Expansion)
No Campaign - Play a Single Race Only
Play a single race. The Driver rules are available as an option for experienced players.
Drivers [Single Race Only]
Choose from a Limited Pool (official expansion rules)
Players choose a Driver card that they use throughout the entire game. Each card gives a different bonus. Before the game, 1 Driver Card is drawn per player, plus an additional Driver. Players choose from these options.
Track [Single Race Only]
Random (All Tracks)
Randomly choose any track in the game.
Card Set
Random Cards
Start with a randomly chosen selection of cards
Allow Base Game Cards [Random Cards Only]
The cards randomly selected may include cards from the base game.
Allow Racing Season Cards [Random Cards Only]
The cards randomly selected may include cards from the Racing Season expansion.
Allow Promo Cards [Random Cards Only]
The cards randomly selected may include Promo Cards.
Weaving Movement
A more advanced but flexible movement rule. Cubes may be placed anywhere in a space, allowing you to "cut across" spaces. Only when movement is completed will your car move to the front of its space.
Bag Contents
Show Full Details of Cubes in your Bag
A variation for online play: players are able to see exactly what cubes are in their bag at all times. This setting is recommended for turn-based play.
Wear Cubes
A recommended variation for online play: there is no limit to the number of available wear cubes, and you will always gain cubes if required.

1 mn

average waiting time



Table configuration

Game mode
Arena mode
حالت آرنا: برای جایزه فصلی BGA رقابت کنید.
Game speed
Turn-based • 1 move per day
+ 24h00 در هر نوبت (حداکثر 3 روز )
Season Campaign (Expansion)
No Campaign - Play a Single Race Only
Play a single race. The Driver rules are available as an option for experienced players.
Drivers [Single Race Only]
Choose from a Limited Pool (official expansion rules)
Players choose a Driver card that they use throughout the entire game. Each card gives a different bonus. Before the game, 1 Driver Card is drawn per player, plus an additional Driver. Players choose from these options.
Track [Single Race Only]
Random (All Tracks)
Randomly choose any track in the game.
Card Set
Random Cards
Start with a randomly chosen selection of cards
Allow Base Game Cards [Random Cards Only]
The cards randomly selected may include cards from the base game.
Allow Racing Season Cards [Random Cards Only]
The cards randomly selected may include cards from the Racing Season expansion.
Allow Promo Cards [Random Cards Only]
The cards randomly selected may include Promo Cards.
Weaving Movement
A more advanced but flexible movement rule. Cubes may be placed anywhere in a space, allowing you to "cut across" spaces. Only when movement is completed will your car move to the front of its space.
Bag Contents
Show Full Details of Cubes in your Bag
A variation for online play: players are able to see exactly what cubes are in their bag at all times. This setting is recommended for turn-based play.
Wear Cubes
A recommended variation for online play: there is no limit to the number of available wear cubes, and you will always gain cubes if required.


Game infos

How to play?







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