Game speed
Turn-based • 1 move per day [اصلاح] Realtime • Fast speed Realtime • Normal speed Realtime • Slow speed Fast Turn-based • 24 moves per day Fast Turn-based • 12 moves per day Fast Turn-based • 8 moves per day Turn-based • 4 moves per day Turn-based • 3 moves per day Turn-based • 2 moves per day Turn-based • 1 move per day Turn-based • 1 move per 2 days No time limit • with friends only بسیار خوب
+ 24h00 در هر نوبت (حداکثر 3 روز )
Playing hours
24 hours a day (no playing hours) [اصلاح] 24 hours a day (no playing hours) 23:00 → 11:00 0:00 → 12:00 1:00 → 13:00 2:00 → 14:00 3:00 → 15:00 3:00 → 15:00 5:00 → 17:00 6:00 → 18:00 7:00 → 19:00 8:00 → 20:00 9:00 → 21:00 10:00 → 22:00 11:00 → 23:00 12:00 → 0:00 13:00 → 1:00 14:00 → 2:00 15:00 → 3:00 16:00 → 4:00 17:00 → 5:00 18:00 → 6:00 19:00 → 7:00 20:00 → 8:00 21:00 → 9:00 22:00 → 10:00 بسیار خوب
Season Campaign (Expansion)
No Campaign - Play a Single Race Only 3 Race Season (Expansion) 4 Race Season (Expansion) 5 Race Season (Expansion) بسیار خوب
Play a 5-race Season Campaign. All Season Campaign rules such as Drivers and Sponsors will be used.
Drivers [Season Campaign Only]
Choose from a Limited Pool (official expansion rules) [اصلاح] Choose from a Limited Pool (official expansion rules) Choose from all Drivers (online variant) بسیار خوب
Players choose a Driver card that they use throughout the entire game. Each card gives a different bonus. Before the game, 1 Driver Card is drawn per player, plus an additional Driver. Players choose from these options.
Drivers [Single Race Only]
No Drivers Choose from a Limited Pool (official expansion rules) Choose from all Drivers (online variant) بسیار خوب
Players do not have Drivers with special abilities. This setting is recommended for first-time players.
Track [Single Race Only]
Random (Base Game Tracks Only) Random (Racing Season Tracks Only) Random (All Tracks) Random (4-Lane Tracks Only) Random (2-Lane Tracks Only) Daytona Beach Monza Talladega (Expansion) Monte Carlo (Expansion) Tucson (Expansion) بسیار خوب
Enable Daytona Beach Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Yes Play as First race Play as Second race Play as Third race Play as Fourth race Play as Fifth race Avoid بسیار خوب
Enable Monza Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Yes Play as First race Play as Second race Play as Third race Play as Fourth race Play as Fifth race Avoid بسیار خوب
Enable Talladega Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Yes Play as First race Play as Second race Play as Third race Play as Fourth race Play as Fifth race Avoid بسیار خوب
Enable Monte Carlo Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Yes Play as First race Play as Second race Play as Third race Play as Fourth race Play as Fifth race Avoid بسیار خوب
Enable Tucson Track? [Season Campaign Only]
Yes Play as First race Play as Second race Play as Third race Play as Fourth race Play as Fifth race Avoid بسیار خوب
Card Set
Random Card Set Choose Card Set Random Cards Choose Cards بسیار خوب
Choose which cards you wish to play with
Allow Base Game Cards [Random Cards Only]
The cards randomly selected may include cards from the base game.
Allow Racing Season Cards [Random Cards Only]
The cards randomly selected will not include cards from the Racing Season expansion.
Allow Promo Cards [Random Cards Only]
The cards randomly selected will not include any Promo Cards.
Allow Base Game Card Sets [Random Card Set Only]
The card set randomly selected may come from the base game.
Allow Racing Season Card Sets [Random Card Set Only]
The card set randomly selected will not come from the Racing Season expansion.
Card Set [Choose Card Set Only]
First Game Fine Tuning Broken Down Money, Money, Money Rainbow Road Warrior Rev'd Up Expert Invitational Rinse & Repeat (Racing Season) Squeaky Clean (Racing Season) Well Oiled Machine (Racing Season) This or That (Racing Season) Shake & Bake (Racing Season) Rubbin' is Racin' (Racing Season) بسیار خوب
This set is all about giving new players loads of fun, while maximizing flexibility, and showing off what a game of Automobiles is capable of.
Garage Card [Choose Cards Only]
Performance Testing (Racing Season) [اصلاح] Car Chief Engineer Manager Mechanic Factory Support (Racing Season) Maintenance Staff (Racing Season) Performance Testing (Racing Season) Random بسیار خوب
Remove this cube. Then draw up to 3 cubes.
Handling Card [Choose Cards Only]
Aerodynamics Steering Suspension Tires Burnout (Racing Season) Camber & Toe (Racing Season) Redline (Racing Season) Random بسیار خوب
Gain 1 wear. Discard 1 gear from your active pile. Move up to 3 spaces of the color 1 lower than the discarded gear.
Pit Card [Choose Cards Only]
Crew Chief Pit Captain Pit Crew Pit Team Air Jacks (Racing Season) Impact Wrench (Racing Season) Pit Mechanic (Racing Season) Random بسیار خوب
Draw cubes until you draw 1 non-wear. Then remove all wear from your discard pile.
Engine Card [Choose Cards Only]
Diesel Engine Hybrid Engine Rotary Engine Supercharged Crate Motor (Racing Season) Fuel Injection Engine (Racing Season) Internal Combustion (Racing Season) Random بسیار خوب
Gain 1 wear. Move up to as many white spaces as you have unique colors in your discard pile.
Performance Card [Choose Cards Only]
Boost Gearbox Nitro Turbo Adrenaline (Racing Season) Bump & Run (Racing Season) Overdrive (Racing Season) Those Aren't Pillows (Promo Card) Random بسیار خوب
Gain 1 wear. Move up to as many light gray spaces as your current position in the race. If in last position, you may move 1 additional light gray space.
Weaving Movement
The original game movement rules. When a car moves into a space, they will always move to the front of it.
Bag Contents
Show Exact Number of Cubes in your Bag [اصلاح] Show Approximate Number of Cubes in your Bag Show Exact Number of Cubes in your Bag Show Full Details of Cubes in your Bag Show Full Details of Cubes in all Bags بسیار خوب
A variation for online play: players are told exactly how many cubes are in their bag at all times.
Wear Cubes
A recommended variation for online play: there is no limit to the number of available wear cubes, and you will always gain cubes if required.