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#63938: "Warn playerswhen they try to take a lesser bit"
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Suggestion: in my opinion, the following would greatly improve the game implementation
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• Please explain your suggestion precisely and concisely so that it's as easy as possible to understand what you mean.
It might be nice if when a player clicks to take a piece, and it's not from the best category they are allowed to take, the game would ask them if they are sure that's what they mean to do. It wouldn't happen on purpose very often, so I don't think it'd be too onerous, and it could save a couple of headaches when someone clicks a tetrimino because they forget that they are eligible for a pentomino.
(I know from teaching this game to several groups, that it can happen a lot, especially with newer players, even if they understand the game quite well. I've had to say, "Are you sure you want that one? You could have one of these down here instead if you want." more than a few times. ;D )• What is your browser?
Google Chrome v100
Report history
2. May 2022 15:29 •
bennygui • Developers would like more information about this suggestion:
5. May 2022 19:59 • It's not obvious to do since you can be in a situation where you can take an Animal House and a Green at the same time. Selecting the Green first is totally ok. I'll add more indications of what you can take and we'll see.
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Please add here anything that seems relevant to reproduce this bug or understand your suggestion:
- Another table ID / move ID
- Did F5 solve the problem?
- Did the problem appears several time? Everytime? Randomly?
- If you have a screenshot of this bug (good practice), you can use to upload it and copy/paste the link here.