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#104389: "Keep having Syntax Server Errors"
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At some point I was unable to access the game interface
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• What was displayed on the screen when you were blocked (Blank screen? Part of the game interface? Error message?)
For a few days, it became very difficult to play. Nearly every turn, after chosing the action, I receive a red message saying "Erreur de syntaxe du server" (server syntax error ?) and "There has been an error at the server end". The action is not taken into account and sometimes I even need to play the same action multiple times. Game as became nearly unplayable in theses conditions.
Error message also says problem should be reference as "GS1"
• What is your browser?
Google Chrome v119
Report history
20. Nov 2023 22:36 •
BaronFraser • More information is requested by developers to reproduce this bug:
20. Nov 2023 22:59 • Thanks for the report.
There have been no recent updates/changes to the Bunny Kingdom codebase, so this is an intriguing one. I'll play a few games to see if I can reproduce the same problem.
Out of interest, are there particularly actions that trigger the error?
There have been no recent updates/changes to the Bunny Kingdom codebase, so this is an intriguing one. I'll play a few games to see if I can reproduce the same problem.
Out of interest, are there particularly actions that trigger the error?
cire30 • More information is requested by developers to reproduce this bug:
21. Nov 2023 20:10 • Hey
No particular actions, just picking 2 cards and clicking "confirm"
This problem has been here forever, but its frequency has really increased for me, which makes it very annoying at this point of time. Another player from the same game did say he was having some similar issue.
No particular actions, just picking 2 cards and clicking "confirm"
This problem has been here forever, but its frequency has really increased for me, which makes it very annoying at this point of time. Another player from the same game did say he was having some similar issue.
cire30 • More information is requested by developers to reproduce this bug:
21. Nov 2023 20:35 • Actually, this problems also happens a lot when I try to add buildings (any type) on the map
BaronFraser • Bug has been confirmed by developers:
21. Nov 2023 21:04 • Hey there,
I've had a look at the logs and can see the cause of the problem.
It *should* be presenting a friendlier message to you than it is, but the issue is a deadlock that can occur when 2 (or more) players take turns at more or less exactly the same time. When that happens a server deadlock can sometimes occur and the person who got in first succeeds at the other player fails. It's supposed to be reporting to the second player that it was unable to take your turn because another player was moving at the same time, but it seems like that is failing and you're getting a hard error instead.
That also explains why it happens a lot when you are adding buildings, as simultaneous moves are far more common (and therefore the server tripping over simultaneous moves is far more common) in the construction phase than during the exploration phase.
I'll have a look at why it's giving you a hard error and not a friendly one, but my warning is that I'm not sure I can reduce the frequency of the issue (merely the friendliness of the information it gives you). I can confirm that the issue ONLY occurs when people are playing in real time.
Thanks for the report! I'll let you know if I turn anything up.
I've had a look at the logs and can see the cause of the problem.
It *should* be presenting a friendlier message to you than it is, but the issue is a deadlock that can occur when 2 (or more) players take turns at more or less exactly the same time. When that happens a server deadlock can sometimes occur and the person who got in first succeeds at the other player fails. It's supposed to be reporting to the second player that it was unable to take your turn because another player was moving at the same time, but it seems like that is failing and you're getting a hard error instead.
That also explains why it happens a lot when you are adding buildings, as simultaneous moves are far more common (and therefore the server tripping over simultaneous moves is far more common) in the construction phase than during the exploration phase.
I'll have a look at why it's giving you a hard error and not a friendly one, but my warning is that I'm not sure I can reduce the frequency of the issue (merely the friendliness of the information it gives you). I can confirm that the issue ONLY occurs when people are playing in real time.
Thanks for the report! I'll let you know if I turn anything up.
cire30 • Bug has been confirmed by developers:
21. Nov 2023 21:48 • Thanks for the heads up
I understand the UX concern, but appart from the big red thing, the real problem is also that it requires to make the action multiple times so that it's taken into account, which is a huge part of the problem. Any chance to fix this as well and have the server to accept 2 actions at the same time ?
I understand the UX concern, but appart from the big red thing, the real problem is also that it requires to make the action multiple times so that it's taken into account, which is a huge part of the problem. Any chance to fix this as well and have the server to accept 2 actions at the same time ?
BaronFraser • Bug has been confirmed by developers:
21. Nov 2023 21:55 • Hey,
I spent months on this very problem before the game was released, and there was a lot of discussion amongst BGA devs, trying to figure out workarounds.
I'll have a revisit, because I know that more developers have encountered the problem since then and have been reporting their findings, and BGA has even made a few tweaks to their engine. I can't promise that there will be a quick result, but I'll see if there are any new options.
I spent months on this very problem before the game was released, and there was a lot of discussion amongst BGA devs, trying to figure out workarounds.
I'll have a revisit, because I know that more developers have encountered the problem since then and have been reporting their findings, and BGA has even made a few tweaks to their engine. I can't promise that there will be a quick result, but I'll see if there are any new options.
cire30 • Bug has been confirmed by developers:
21. Nov 2023 21:58 • Thank you so much for taking this into consideration, good luck to you :)
BaronFraser • Bug has been confirmed by developers:
22. Nov 2023 0:02 • All good!
Just to be clear: I'd *love* it if there were NO issues whatsoever :)
In development, we discovered that the simultaneous nature of play in Bunny Kingdom combined with the BGA pipeline meant that occasional deadlock errors were inevitable (at least in Realtime - I tend to play Turn Based and they never happen there). We tried lots of different approaches, including streamlining the architecture as much as possible to minimize server calls, and even briefly trialed a 1-at-a-time mode (but testers in real time didn't like that at all).
In the end, it felt like we'd minimized the issue enough to get by and there was an explanatory message when it happened rather than a generic error message. Not sure what's broken there so I'll have a look.
But just letting you know that the goal is to give people as smooth an experience as possible, although there are limits inherent in the system!
Just to be clear: I'd *love* it if there were NO issues whatsoever :)
In development, we discovered that the simultaneous nature of play in Bunny Kingdom combined with the BGA pipeline meant that occasional deadlock errors were inevitable (at least in Realtime - I tend to play Turn Based and they never happen there). We tried lots of different approaches, including streamlining the architecture as much as possible to minimize server calls, and even briefly trialed a 1-at-a-time mode (but testers in real time didn't like that at all).
In the end, it felt like we'd minimized the issue enough to get by and there was an explanatory message when it happened rather than a generic error message. Not sure what's broken there so I'll have a look.
But just letting you know that the goal is to give people as smooth an experience as possible, although there are limits inherent in the system!
SachaBear • Bug has been confirmed by developers:
22. Nov 2023 23:05 • Hi,
I just wanted to report that I'm experiencing the same issue (and it really affects the game's experience).
In more details :
- The game feels really, really slow.
- I often get messages like "processing your move".
- When placing buildings (or doing other actions), I sometimes have to repeat my input, before my input is processed and my move is executed.
- In the past couple of games, I have also had an avalance of red-banner error message ("server syntax error").
- This was not an issue a week ago. It feels like it started barely 2-3 days ago (around the 19th-20th November 2023).
Having read the comments from the developer of this game, I'll add this.
-- It would be great if BGA updated its error message pop-up UI. Those double/triple pop up really feel bad, even more so as one is big and red, and even more so as they cover the actual game. As a user I am faced with the choice of trying to aim for the tiny cross Close button to get rid of the pop-ups, or wait until the messages go away. Overall, it feels terrible.
-- It would also be great if BGA's core engine was able to process simultaneous player input.
I've experience a lot of similar issue in Earth (where players, again, will typically do a lot of actions simultaneously). It was really bad.
BGA grew a lot after the pandemic and the Asmodée(?) purchase. They bought a lot of servers to allow for allow more player to play at the same times. That's good. But it would also be great to have an engine that supports games where player make simultaneous moves.
Tech info :
- It's not my connection, I've tried opening other pages, it's only Bunny Kingdom (BGA is also kind of slow on the main page, but that's nothing new.)
- Unlike the Original Poster, I'm using Firefox. So it's not the browser.
I just wanted to report that I'm experiencing the same issue (and it really affects the game's experience).
In more details :
- The game feels really, really slow.
- I often get messages like "processing your move".
- When placing buildings (or doing other actions), I sometimes have to repeat my input, before my input is processed and my move is executed.
- In the past couple of games, I have also had an avalance of red-banner error message ("server syntax error").
- This was not an issue a week ago. It feels like it started barely 2-3 days ago (around the 19th-20th November 2023).
Having read the comments from the developer of this game, I'll add this.
-- It would be great if BGA updated its error message pop-up UI. Those double/triple pop up really feel bad, even more so as one is big and red, and even more so as they cover the actual game. As a user I am faced with the choice of trying to aim for the tiny cross Close button to get rid of the pop-ups, or wait until the messages go away. Overall, it feels terrible.
-- It would also be great if BGA's core engine was able to process simultaneous player input.
I've experience a lot of similar issue in Earth (where players, again, will typically do a lot of actions simultaneously). It was really bad.
BGA grew a lot after the pandemic and the Asmodée(?) purchase. They bought a lot of servers to allow for allow more player to play at the same times. That's good. But it would also be great to have an engine that supports games where player make simultaneous moves.
Tech info :
- It's not my connection, I've tried opening other pages, it's only Bunny Kingdom (BGA is also kind of slow on the main page, but that's nothing new.)
- Unlike the Original Poster, I'm using Firefox. So it's not the browser.
indy92 • Bug has been confirmed by developers:
27. Dec 2023 21:25 • Hello,
Just adding that I am having the same problem and it is making the game nearly unplayable. Every turn, whenever I do any action (choosing cards or placing buildings) I get this:
“Server syntax error:
Sorry, an unexpected error has occurred...
Sorry, we didn't manage to process your request fast enough. Please retry. If the problem persists, please report a bug. (reference: GS1 27/12 21:15:36)”
I have to try about 5 times before it will accept my action. Thank you for looking into it!
Just adding that I am having the same problem and it is making the game nearly unplayable. Every turn, whenever I do any action (choosing cards or placing buildings) I get this:
“Server syntax error:
Sorry, an unexpected error has occurred...
Sorry, we didn't manage to process your request fast enough. Please retry. If the problem persists, please report a bug. (reference: GS1 27/12 21:15:36)”
I have to try about 5 times before it will accept my action. Thank you for looking into it!
BaronFraser • More information is requested by developers to reproduce this bug:
27. Dec 2023 23:43 • Thanks indy92 (and SachaBear),
Looking into the error logs, I can see that this seems to be the dreaded deadlock issue. Can I confirm that the games were you are getting these are being played in real time?
Looking into the error logs, I can see that this seems to be the dreaded deadlock issue. Can I confirm that the games were you are getting these are being played in real time?
indy92 • More information is requested by developers to reproduce this bug:
28. Dec 2023 2:35 • Hi there,
Yes, it was a realtime game. Thanks!
Yes, it was a realtime game. Thanks!
Bgpopapmp1 • More information is requested by developers to reproduce this bug:
29. Dec 2023 19:30 • I experienced this error today multiple times in one game. I could F5 but it was disruptive to do it for 5 turns in a row.
Iguanachu • More information is requested by developers to reproduce this bug:
9. Feb 2024 18:33 • reference: GS1 09/02 18:28:08
l problema no se resuelve al pulsar F5 y aparece constantemente durante las partidas, especialmente al momento de querer poner las construcciones, no te deja y seguido tienes que actualizar la página hasta que permite hacer la jugada.
l problema no se resuelve al pulsar F5 y aparece constantemente durante las partidas, especialmente al momento de querer poner las construcciones, no te deja y seguido tienes que actualizar la página hasta que permite hacer la jugada.
Serathe • More information is requested by developers to reproduce this bug:
17. Mar 2024 14:45 • I am experiencing this in the BGA app on Android tablet, almost every game. Looses me a lot of game time and sometimes it blocked me from playing completely and I got penalty for abandoning the game. Restarting the app works only sometimes.
Wifehouse91 • More information is requested by developers to reproduce this bug:
30. Mar 2024 18:19 • GS1 30/03 18:01:53
just had an awful game of this, all 4 players were contantly getting sytax errors, being kicked out of the game, having issues reloading it to get back in, It took over twice as long to play as it should of done because we just couldnt take our turns.
just had an awful game of this, all 4 players were contantly getting sytax errors, being kicked out of the game, having issues reloading it to get back in, It took over twice as long to play as it should of done because we just couldnt take our turns.
mallowgeno1 • More information is requested by developers to reproduce this bug:
31. Mar 2024 23:26 • This happened to all of us at the end of our game, we would like our game delay penalties to be removed as well
Garamotte • More information is requested by developers to reproduce this bug:
2. Apr 2024 21:44 • Same here, we were 3 players, all forced to quit the game because the server was not alternatively responding or giving errors :/
We also got some blank pages with only the error message sometimes.
We also got some blank pages with only the error message sometimes.
Aranssar • More information is requested by developers to reproduce this bug:
4. Apr 2024 14:25 • Partie n°#495661940 en tant que dernière partie où cela s'est produit.
Ce bug est constant à chaque partie depuis à peu près 10 jours et touche tous les joueurs quels que soient leur navigateur.
Voici une capture d'écran de ce qui est affiché dans le tchat (exemple : référence GS1 03/04 23:40:47) sachant qu'un grand cadre rouge apparaît quelques secondes en haut d'écran également : /Users/cyrillebombard/Desktop/Capture d’écran 2024-04-03 à 23.41.04.png
Ce bug est constant à chaque partie depuis à peu près 10 jours et touche tous les joueurs quels que soient leur navigateur.
Voici une capture d'écran de ce qui est affiché dans le tchat (exemple : référence GS1 03/04 23:40:47) sachant qu'un grand cadre rouge apparaît quelques secondes en haut d'écran également : /Users/cyrillebombard/Desktop/Capture d’écran 2024-04-03 à 23.41.04.png
Aranssar • More information is requested by developers to reproduce this bug:
4. Apr 2024 14:30 • OK ma capture d'écran ne marche pas. En voici le texte :
Erreur de syntaxe du serveur : désolé, une erreur inattendue s'est produite...
Désolé nous n'avons pas pu traiter votre demande assez rapidement. Merci de réessayer.
Si le problème persiste, vous pouvez signaler un bug. (référence: GS1 03/04 23:40:47)
Et c'est écrit comme cela à chaque fois que cela bug. Le bug commence à la manche 3 et à la fin de la manche 4 c'est systématiquement le bazar quand nous plaçons nos pièces sur le jeu.
Erreur de syntaxe du serveur : désolé, une erreur inattendue s'est produite...
Désolé nous n'avons pas pu traiter votre demande assez rapidement. Merci de réessayer.
Si le problème persiste, vous pouvez signaler un bug. (référence: GS1 03/04 23:40:47)
Et c'est écrit comme cela à chaque fois que cela bug. Le bug commence à la manche 3 et à la fin de la manche 4 c'est systématiquement le bazar quand nous plaçons nos pièces sur le jeu.
Aranssar • More information is requested by developers to reproduce this bug:
4. Apr 2024 14:33 • Et pour terminer, je joue tous les jours à Bunny Kingdom. Je n'avais pas ce bug avant le mois de mars. Je vois que des joueurs le signalaient dès novembre 2023, ce n'était pas mon cas.
Je suis sur Safari mais cela me le fait aussi sur Chrome.
Je suis sur Safari mais cela me le fait aussi sur Chrome.
plough Lane • More information is requested by developers to reproduce this bug:
4. Apr 2024 23:25 • This has been happening more and more in recent days/weeks. It's at the point where it's almost impossible to play. Every game seems to be affected. All games played in real time.
BaronFraser • Bug has been confirmed by developers:
6. Apr 2024 10:59 • Hello there,
Thankyou for your reports.
I have seen a spike in bug reports over this issue in the last week. Nothing has changed in the code base for Bunny Kingdom to cause this, but I have been working for a while on an upgrade for the game that includes a lot of optimization that I hope may solve this problem.
I have just posted it. Please let me know if this seems to solve the issue.
Thankyou for your reports.
I have seen a spike in bug reports over this issue in the last week. Nothing has changed in the code base for Bunny Kingdom to cause this, but I have been working for a while on an upgrade for the game that includes a lot of optimization that I hope may solve this problem.
I have just posted it. Please let me know if this seems to solve the issue.
Add something to this report
Please add here anything that seems relevant to reproduce this bug or understand your suggestion:
- Another table ID / move ID
- Did F5 solve the problem?
- Did the problem appears several time? Everytime? Randomly?
- If you have a screenshot of this bug (good practice), you can use to upload it and copy/paste the link here.